Sunday 2 November 2014

Analysis of a Thriller Film Trailer: Taken

Taken is a thriller movie that was released in 2008. The total length of this trailer is 1:46.
The trailer begins by showing the two production companies that created the film: 20th Century Fox (they are shown first since they are the bigger company) and then Europa.

The first few shots of the trailer are of Bryan Mills (played by Liam Neeson) and Kim (played by Maggie Grace) having happy conversations in different scenes. Relaxing music plays above the shots. This combination of shots and music is to establish the strong relationship between the father and daughter. One of their conversations tells us the daughter is going on holiday with her friend in France, telling us where the movie will be set.

A caption saying "20th Century Fox Presents" cuts in, splitting the tone from these last shots to the next.

A tension building song then starts to play after the last caption. The following shot is shown using an editing technique that splits the screen into different shots. The shots in this sequence show us that their are some intruders in the daughter's hotel. The supporting dialogue tells us that these intruders intend to kidnap her and her friend. This creates the enigma code: what do these kidnappers want with the girls?

The music increases in volume, building the suspense until Kim is dragged screaming from under the bed where she was hiding.

Then the music changes to a more solemn but still quite quick tempo piece of music. At this point Bryan Mills begins his (famous) monologue. The shots during his monologue cross-cut between Bryan speaking and scenes of Bryan in the future in fights, causing chaos, in action etc. This creates enigma codes about the character Bryan Mills himself: who is he? What is his background? How did he become such a powerful force?

The monologue ends with Bryan Mills on the phone which then cuts to a caption showing the title of the film: Taken. Followed by the three lead actors names on seperate captions: Liam Neeson, then Maggie Grace, then Famke Janssen.


  1. kim under the bed The music increases in volume building the suspense until kim is dragged screaming form under the bed she was hiding

  2. wallpaper taken kim under the bed set home wallpaper

  3. hey kid danger wait going on what you going paris why okay well scary place

  4. what going on uncle jesse uh okay sound good uncle jesse where you bathroom what wrong you take cousin taken right do okay go room under the bed
